ICHARS Suppport Foundation

Your Support Matters

Your contribution in any amount will help us achieve our vision of Creating a self-sustainable ecosystem of mental health support in India. Together, we can create a world full of understanding, empathy, and compassion that fosters mental and emotional wellbeing.

Tax Exemption Details

ICHARS Support Foundation is a registered Non-Profit Organisation registered under the Section 8 of the Companies act 2013. ICHARS Support Foundation is a 12A registered and 80(G) Tax exempted organization in India.
  • ₹ 5,000/month

    Helps us in maintaining the VisitMHP portal and keeping the support offered by us to mental health practitioners organised.

  • ₹ 10,000/month

    Helps us offer:
    ~Advanced training for 1 new Psychologist
    ~Mentorship to 10 Psychologists
    Who together provide better quality mental health support to more than 100 individuals from different sections of society

  • ₹ 25,000/month

    Supports internship opportunities to 25 psychology students

  • ₹ 90,000

    Sponsors the 2 month anxiety relief drive to help more than 30 individuals overcome anxiety with the help of a 1-to-1 consultations structured therapy sessions

  • ₹ 5,00,000

    Sponsors a training and ongoing mentorship for staff members of 1 NGO that can offer first aid mental health support of all beneficiaries.

  • ₹ 18,00,000

    Supports providing 40 hours/week of counselling services (both online and in-person) per year